GaitKeeper provides Clinicians with standardised, objective and trustworthy measurements to assess frailty, general health status, response to rehabilitation, cognitive decline, falls and hospitalisation risk - in any location, anytime and by anyone.
GaitKeeper is a CE marked, class 1 medical device.
Augmented Reality guides clinicians through a streamlined process for recording and reviewing assessments – quick and simple, it keeps the focus on treatment.
Our AI and AR engine allows assessments to be recorded in any setting. No mats, sensors, or wearables required – just take a video.
GaitKeeper: a secure, cloud-based system accessible 24/7. Experience seamless access with our patented Augmented Reality app. Access your assessment reports online.
Connect using our iOS, Android or Browser applications
The GaitKeeper system provides native mobile and web applications to connect and review data. The native apps use augmented reality to provide a class leading user experience that makes performing an gait assessments as easy as recording a video.
All data is securely stored in the cloud. No video data is stored on the mobile devices. A web portal is provided that allows longitudinal reports to be viewed, exported or printed.
Login, Record and Review
To carry out a test, users login using our mobile application and are then guided through the steps to prepare, record and review a gait assessment.
Both the mobile app and web portal provide users with the ability to review and manage gait assessments.
Patient details can be entered (and saved) using the app or can be bulked loaded by the system adminstrator. For every patient, a unique identifier can be allocated by the system or existing identifiers can be used. For every assessment carried out, a unique identifier is automatically allocated by the system.
Tests can be deleted using either the mobile app or web portal.
Patented Augmented Reality System.
Our AR system allows clinicians to build their own digital gait lab wherever they like. The GaitKeeper system then ensures the consistency and standardisation of the gait assessments.
A range of augmented reality experiences are available. Extensions such as virtual privacy screens, custom branding and setups for a range of different gait test types are available.
Each recorded video is processed by our AI algorithms - the system manages the transfer, processing and deletion of videos - all at the touch of a button.
For a typical assessment, results are available to view within 3 minutes and users are notified of status changes in the app.
Summary, Detailed and Longitudinal reports available.
GaitKeeper uses a patented AI algorithm to compute a range of parameters that describe the motion of the subject as he/she performs the gait assessment.
GaitKeeper provides basic measurements (speed, stride, steps, support bases, step events) and advanced measurements (joint angle, centre of mass, swing and symmetry)
Result data can be visualised in charts or overlayed on video.
This technology is a game-changer for clinicians - concerning how we can monitor and gauge how well and fast our patients can walk. This is a key indicator of a person’s wellness and the technology is easy to use in any care setting and effectively offers us a digital biomarker of a patient’s wellness.
DGL Co-founder and Clinical Director, Consultant Geriatrician at Tallaght University Hospital.
Research and Innovation lies at the heart of Tallaght University Hospital’s drive to deliver improved patient care and enhance the health and wellbeing of our population. The Hospital is delighted to study, analyse and implement this technology on campus and support the next stage of its development which contributes to our goal of becoming a national centre for health research and innovation for technology.
CEO - Tallaght University Hospital
Gait speed is a powerful indicator for proactive health management in older adults. For community-dwelling older adults, gait speeds of <0.8 m/s predict poor clinical outcomes, while <0.6 m/s indicate the potential for continued decline. Serves as a tool for tracking health over time and acts as an early warning system for declining health. Streamlining gait speed measurement is essential for better healthcare outcomes.
ARHC SpR - Tallaght University Hospital
Gait is a really important indicator of physical, cognitive and physcological wellness, but its difficult to measure objectively. Previously objective measurements required significant training, physical space for walkways/equipments - adding cost in terms of time and infrastucture needed in clinical settings. GaitKeeper provides a solution to these problems.
Physiotherapist - Tallaght University Hospital
Royal Hospital Donnybrook are applying GaitKeeper across a range of areas in the Stroke, Neuro and Rehabalition departments. RHD like the digital approach taken by GaitKeeper and its ability to operate in different areas of the hospital.
Physiotherapy Manager- Royal Hospital Donnybrook
Gait Speed is a very important measurement in the understanding and evaulation of falls risk. For the first time, GaitKeeper is providing an easy to use, reliable tool to measure it across different clinical areas.
Consultant Geriatric (falls) - Tallaght University Hospital
Walking speed (WS) is a valid, reliable, and sensitive measure appropriate for assessing and monitoring functional status and overall health in a wide range of populations. These capabilities have led to its designation as the "sixth vital sign".
Among the most popular gait parameters in current literature and clinical use is gait speed. With the ability to help predict functional ability and health status, research demonstrates that each reduction in gait speed by only 0.1 m/s correlates with an 8% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease and a 12% increase in the risk of elderly mortality. It is already being used to reflect frailty status – identifying increased risks of adverse events such as falls, prolonged hospital stays, and overall functional decline. Assessing a complex activity such as walking and walking speed can shed light on mobility and how individuals interact and navigate their environment. Without this information, there are missing pieces to the puzzle and missed opportunities for proactive intervention, early diagnoses, and more thorough patient care.
Gait assessment is a a complex activity with many factors that can vary between assessment locations, patients and clinicians. GaitKeeper standardised the data collection protocol to minumise the variability between who, where and how the assessment was recorded.
GaitKeeper captures over 20 points on the body of the subject, 60 times every second - enabling GaitKeeper to detect gait events (i.e. heel strike) within 1/60 of a second. By ensuring consistent recording of videos using our patented AR system, gaitkeeper has a spatial accuracy (i.e. the location of a subject or part of subject ) no greater than 10mm.
GaitKeeper has been technically validated using the Vicon motion capture system based at Dublin City University. From a clinican point of view, the gold standard GaitRite system was used to verify the validation of the results created by gaitkeeper. Both the technical and clinical evaluations used a cohort group of 30 (n=30), performing a range single and dual task gait tests between 3 metres and 10 metres. GaitKeeper is now a CE Marked, class 1 medical device regulated under the EU-MDR regulations.
The GaitKeeper app is available on selected Apple iOS 17.x phones. Android versions of the app will be available in 2024. The GaitKeeper portal is available using any web browser and provides extensive reporting and system management functions
Custom augmented reality scenes, reports or customisation of existing reports are available on request.
Digital Labs Labs can have your clinicians up and running with digital gait assessments in 24 hours.
Start by trying a trial version.
DCU Alpha Centre, Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 D11KXN4, Ireland.